2016 Speedgoat 50km- 1st Place
2016/2017 TNF SF 50mile- 2nd/3rd Place
2017 CCC 100km- 1st Place and CR
2018 Lavaredo Ultra Trail 120km- 1st Place
Zion Traverse Fastest Known Time (FKT) 48 miles
Professional Ultra/Mountain athlete from Cedar City, Utah. Hayden loves spending his days exploring the mountains, canyons, and deserts in the National Parks and public lands near his home in Southern Utah. He also loves to travel and see the world with the two people that mean the most to him, his wife and young son. He has had success in all avenues of running he has specialized in over the years including track and field, cross country, road running, mountain running, and now ultra marathon! He loves running and everything about it!